One goal of UNRAVEL is to recover valuable components from our target feedstock and minimise the interference of non-lignocellulosic constituents on the fractionation. We do this via a pre-extraction process optimised for mixed biomass streams with complex composition like forest residues and bark, straw and nut shells. To be able to optimise our processes we need a detailed lignocellulosic compositional profile of the feedstocks so that the fate of each polymer in pre-treatment can be accurately determined. UNRAVEL partner Celignis delivered such profiles, and the results are freely accessible at the Celignis Database at
Please log on with the following details:
Email: [email protected]
Password: celignis
Further details on analysis protocols used during the experiments can be found in:
Hayes, D. J. M. (2012) Development of near infrared spectroscopy models for the quantitative prediction of the lignocellulosic components of wet Miscanthus samples, Bioresource Technology 119: 393-405